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Contextualizing environmental contingencies

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Mustafa Emre Günaydı, a PhD student at Iowa State University and a research assistant working on the IOWC’s Appraising Risk partnership, presents his ongoing research into the environmental history of the Ottoman Empire. In this podcast, he discusses a work in progress, in which he analyses the effects of the 1831 floods, epidemic, and locust invasion in Baghdad within the context of wider geopolitical developments and leaders’ responses to natural and human challenges.

For more on Mustafa’s work, see his Iowa State profile:

Image reference: “The River Euphrates From Hit to the Kuthah River and The River Tigris from Sammara to the Abu Hitti Canal…” from Maps volume, sheet VII of The Expedition for the Survey of the Rivers Euphrates and Tigris, Carried on by Order of the British Government in the years 1835, 1836, and 1837… by Francis Rawdon Chesney. London, Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1850.

This podcast was produced with the help of Renée Manderville (Project Manager, IOWC), Archisman Chaudhuri and Philip Gooding (both postdoctoral fellows, IOWC, McGill).